Monday, 16 November 2009

I've been Turrisied...

So it doesn't work quite as well as "Chappelled", but the blood that suddenly lept to my face is just receeding, leaving me feeling like I've just had a hot flush. What on earth has Kim Turrisi done to caused me to react in such a way? I recieved a tweet. Yes indeedy, I got a tweet from the writer of the Venice the Series and I had a sudden shot adrenaline jump through my system, ensuring that I won't be going to sleep any time soon. It's not my first tweet from her, I did send her love one day and was utterly surprised when I recieved a reply. But that is beside the point. About 40 minutes ago I send the following tweet.

@KimmyT22 yay, you're on. Have you seen this?

To which I got the reply:

@bidforvenice we loved it!!!

Did my heart just skip a beat, did my breath just catch, did the blood rush to my face, did my very cells start to viabrate at a higher frequency? Oh yes. So step one complete my friends, I have officially got them to look at my vid. And they "loved it !!!" (On a side note I love the use of three exclamation marks. There seems to be something auspicious about the number 3...)

But I hardly think that is the end of that. No. I have a number of videos lined up for the next few weeks, including a trip to Paris. I hope my efforts will convince them to invite me over to Venice Beach, CA for the filming of season two!

Meanwhile talking of pimping, I will certainly be at First Out Cafe on Saturday to meet the other UK street team members and if they are happy to, I'll be making a vid about that experience. We'll be looking at how to pimp the series over here.

You'll have to excuse my rather fragmented blog, I'm clearly been mentally affected by that tweet...

Ok, so focus. I actually wanted to explain why I haven't blogged in about 3 weeks. The reason being that I got my previous blog entry up on WFTV site and they linked the whole blog, not the individual post. Not wanting to sabotage the chance of getting some potential viewers to hear about Venice, I decided best to leave the blog alone but then I got Turrisied and well... that all just fell to the way side. I'm so easy. But that doesn't mean that I have not been doing anything... I have been posting vids on my YouTube channel and contacting different magazines and websites to tell them about Venice (links found on my website)

Last but certainly not least in about 2 hours the trailer for Venice will be up here!!!! Can I squeeeeeee any more with excitement?! I made a point of letting DIVA mag (the leading lesbian mag in the UK) know about it. Looking forward to hearing that they'll do a cover on Venice.


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